I'm thrilled to announce the release of Living Scenery Technology!
Living Scenery Technology is a next generation plugin for the animation of scenery objects along a route and access to special features such as the particle system and FMOD in X-Plane 12. The inspiration for this project largely came from Marginal's wonderful GroundTraffic plugin. Living Scenery Technology features several improvements including a developer defined activation range, fast performance, branching methodology for spawning, support for Mac (intel only) Windows and Linux, and most importantly, it is a global plugin implementing a one plugin, many sceneries design, which allows an infinite number of sceneries to use LST as opposed to only being able to have 30-40 instances of GroundTraffic. Lastly, Living Scenery Technology is freeware, for everyone, forever.
Living Scenery Technology is now required for Ground Traffic for the following packages of mine:
KDEN - Denver International Airport
KWYS - West Yellowstone and Yellowstone National Park
KEVV - Evansville Regional Airport
KTEX - Telluride Regional Airport
You can download Living Scenery Technology for free here.